Tagged: Week 1

Life Goals

What I hope for in class
What I hope to achieve this year

– Image taken from the anime Daily Life of Highschool Boys


And 10 things I wish to accomplish and be able to accomplish by the end of my course

  • I want to actually know what I want in life
  • I want to be able to live and support myself independently through a job in the media world
  • I want to be a better filmmaker and producer that engages with the current market
  • I want to be able to make a film of any genre or have at least experienced making them
  • I was to travel the world and work in films across the globe in all areas
  • I want to be able to confidently edit and produce a film
  • I want to have acted and directed in any film
  • I want to create a network of friends, in my industry or not
  • I want to be able to effectively put across a narrative to any audience
  • Be able to adapt to multiple platforms of storytelling i.e. – YouTube, short film, feature film, animation, television

And the final big goal

  • Marry Jennifer Lawrence, with Meryl Streep as my maid of honor and Jackie Chan as the pastor.

Day Two

How do people read things? Well more specifically how does it differ from person to person. Today’s lesson on Hyper and Deep attention opened the discussion on the way we should approach our reading and learning. For years the education system has been predominantly deep attention based, but with the new generation of technology evolving the way we can access information there has been a significant rise in a hyper attention style of education. For example the use of a lectorial to teach us 1st year students means that the staff in Media 1 acknowledge that the traditional lecture structure wouldn’t be as efficient in providing an engaging and effective lesson than a class that requires the students to be stimulated with various activities and discussion work.

I myself found that I hail more to the hyper attention side of the debate, yet when I do find an activity that interests me I somehow manage to tune into my subconscious deep attention. Although the new age has shifted towards a more fast paced digital era there is still a significant amount of young people engaging in deep attention activities, like watching movies or reading books. It isn’t necessarily forced deep attention, but it does only occur in specific situations and with time this generation will eventually end up growing up to find a balance between the two forms of attention, hopefully.

Personally I would enjoy to hear more on the topic and listen to other opinions on hyper and deep attention. There is bound to be a plethora of other factors that contribute to why some people can only read things intently while others can’t even stare still at a single page for more than 3 seconds. If anyone is interested in some friendly discussion feel free to utilize the amazing comment section.

Day One

Meeting the ‘Monday Crew’ awakened me to the big wide world of media and all its forms of content. In all honesty I was unsure why I chose to follow this dream of mine, but meeting everyone else who held similar views on movies and TV shows really helped me cement my decision to take this path. The first assessment seems like a great outlet for all our creative juices to flow through, and it also allows us to express ourselves to our peers without those pesky words getting in the way (although we do need to write 50 words as well). Yet I am still anxious about this year. Everything is new to me and from reading some of the other blogs from the Monday Crew I know I’m not alone. I just hope that we will all be able to leave after 3 years with the skills and knowledge we hoped to get from this experience, and to also enjoy these years together as friends.