There’s this pen at work that I have become particularly fond of. It sits on the front counter among all the other generic pens and stands out as one of the ones you cannot misplace. It’s different from those other normal pens because this pen lights up. There’s a blue LED light I assume compacted into the tiny cylinder above all the ink, and because of this it has stayed on the front counter desk for weeks. Everyone knows that that pen is special, and that if it were to go missing it would be a shame for the entire workplace. Everyone took care when using it, and no one ever took it away from its home. That was until last week, when I arrived at work at 3pm on Thursday and couldn’t find the pen. I asked co-workers and my manager if they had seen it, but no one cared as much as I did to find this special light pen.
I don’t know why I was so attached to this pen, I guess because it was different I had impressed some kind of connection to it. But in the end it was just a pen, just a really fancy pen that lights up at the end. Hopefully the new owner loves that pen just as much as I did.
This film would follow the journey of the pen. Going from production, or maybe when it was first bought and “owned” by someone, then the different owners it goes through. Like one day the first owner drops it at Uni, and another student sees the pen, and instead of throwing it our (or returning it like a good person) they keep it. This person then takes it to work at as a waiter at a restaurant. Then they encounter a small child that really likes it design, so they give it to the customer to please the paying parents. And so on and so forth until the pen eventually runs out of ink and becomes useless, and when that happens the pens finds its last home in a bin, no longer owned by anyone.