Tagged: FLOW


So I was watching a bunch of my favourite music videos to help me find things to talk about, because it is seriously hard to blog about things on a regular basis! So I’ve previoiusly mentioned how I’m a sucker for one takes and very smooth flowy music videos. I know that sounds vague but the music videos I link later will kinda clear up what I mean. Anywho, I found out that a few of them had been created by the same man by the name of Hiro Murai. Now I didn’t know who this man was, but I realised that I recognised a lot of his work and his style. At the time I wasn’t sure I was projecting my thoughts and seeing all these music videos as similar, but to hear that they were directed by the same man made me realsied why I liked them all. They share that flowy movement in music videos which I love seeing. It’s sometimes rhythmic and it almost always is shot and edited in a way that makes you want to believe it was all in one take. Below a few of his works which will help you understand what I’m trying to convey (what am I trying to convey?).

Well without further ado the list of my personal favourites and videos under Hiro Murai’s name which I believe everyone should watch is here.

1. Gold – Chet Faker

2. Sweatpants – Childish Gambino

3. 3005 – Childish Gambino

4. Do You – Spoon

5. She Wolf – David Guetta ft. Sia

Yeah, I forgot to mention that most of his works end in weird ways. Sorry about that, but hey I didn’t want to spoil anything for any of them.