For a while I wasn’t entirely sure what to write in these reflective blog posts, but in class something stuck with me that I realise could apply everywhere. Never assume the person before you did their job right. This was mainly in reference to when we would hire out media equipment, and the camera settings would be in the same place as the last user had them at and not what would be the default or recommended layover settings. This got me to actually think about my etiquette when I used these shared items, and how I would just pack up the equipment and rush to get them back to the techs instead of the meticulous process it is to reset or change things to how they were given to me.

In my head I always assumed it was just up to the next person to change the settings to how they would want them, but I was once naive enough to not know how to change things on a camera and suffered some pretty terrible rushes in my first year because I didn’t know the monitor settings on a camera had been set too low, or that the audio gain was way too high.

These things are now common sense to me, and especially with how much emphasis Robin placed on making everything purposeful and making sure everything within the frame was a decision I made, I realise that I need to become more aware than ever about what I do on a set. The finished result needs to be a product which I had full control over, or at least was conscious about. The lighting needs to be purposeful, the positioning needs to fit to my aesthetic, the direction and action needs to be blocked and everything that we see and hear needs to be in your head before you even press record. This is ultimately a lot of pressure to put on one person, but it is also the role of the Director essentially, and if I want to become one (or at least try my hand at being one) then I need to completely understand and grasp the ideas and images that I want to create, and make sure that I replicate that to the best of my ability within the final frame.



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