The Pictures


The best photo I have taken on my professional camera. It captures one of my friends is her most natural element. It also represents how much growth I need to hone the art of photography but also showcases my talent for capturing candid moments like these.


This moment isn’t a very significant memory in my head but it is how my friends have received this picture is what makes it a representation of myself. Titled “Sassy Jenny”, my friends have treasured this image as a very ‘jenny-esque’ image, with my weird and peculiar personality showing at such a young age. I define myself by what the people close to me see me as and if they see me as a kooky and spontaneously dramatic friend then I embrace that label.


Everywhere I go a hair or two will follow. It has been a part of my daily life to sweep away a stray strand of hair and I use this as a symbol of my acceptance of something I can’t control. I used to think it was a sign of ageing but nowadays I see it as my own personal mark on a space. The more hair the better now.


This image shows only half of what lives within my wardrobe. I use T-shirts to express myself publicly and a majority of these shirts showcase experiences and events that I have been lucky to experience. Pop culture is a huge part of my life, especially those of the comic-book movie kind and it is also where a lot of my money goes.

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