Juicy media texts

Juicy media texts

We have progressed in our discussions regarding our Project Brief 4. We have decided to focus on one event, after a class discussion. Jordan mentioned the vast array of conspiracy theories that fueled the media in the week and months following the MH370 Malaysian...


As Dan mentioned, there is no such thing as an original story. Narrative is something that I have been interested in for a long time, and I try and weave narrative into most of my work. Below is an outline if the seven basic storylines: Overcoming the Monster: The...
Narrative Construction

Narrative Construction

The idea for Mel and Rana came from personal experiences between my partner, Amitoze and I. After we started dating, he was not sure how his traditional Punjabi parents would react if they found out, so we decided to hide it from them. We were discussing it, and...
Project Brief 4 inspirations

Project Brief 4 inspirations

A possible format for presenting various texts would be a website. We have brainstormed some ideas for the presentation of our Project Brief 4. These inspirations include: Time machine Zeitmaschine is a virtual time capsule from Switzerland. The site is set up so that...
Mel and Rana Update

Mel and Rana Update

It has been a huge learning experience being selected as a finalist in the HP ‘Bend the Rules” short film pitching competition. We had around two weeks to write, produce and post-produce the four minute film for distribution through HP’s YouTube account online. I took...


The Lectorial was focused on media texts however, semiotics, the study of signs and symbols and how meanings are constructed and interpreted was also mentioned. We analysed some images in the Lectorial in order to understand how the images where constructed. Instead...