This week in the Another World studio we are fine tuning our script editing skills in addition to work-shopping our ideas further. The first studio dealt with how to address common problems in screenplays, including how you can avoid writing internalized thoughts and emotions for your characters. This helped identify common problems with language, including the use of adverbs and direct references to character’s feelings. The next day we developed these skills by critiquing produced student scripts that do not contain dialogue. This assignment helped me distinguish between plot and believably problems as opposed to technical problems with the writing. It is also important to establish what is working within the script in addition to what isn’t because knowing what not to change is just as important and knowing what to change.
We also had feedback sessions and I received lots of feedback on the plot outline and character map that I created for Deluge. The feedback was mostly positive, however it also gave me insights into the formats that I should choose for the proof-of-narrative portfolio. In many regards knowing the plot will help me in developing the script further on in the studio. Justin also came up with a fantastic idea about creating character profiles as the visual component for the end of semester portfolio. This is similar to how Tarantino presented his characters in The Hateful Eight (2015).
I plan to create similar profiles for the characters in Deluge because it is one way in which the characters can be visually displayed and convey crucial information. I could even stylize the character profiles in a way that would reflect their class and general aesthetic. For example, the grocers could be framed similar to an advertisement, and the wealthy Hughes family pictures could be presented in a frame with an elaborate gold trim and the accused prisoner, Jo Taylor could be in a wanted poster aesthetic.
Therefore, so far I am looking into different formats for the end of semester portfolio. I am considering the following formats based on several criteria. This includes the consideration of practical factors such as the time and expense involved in producing a historical disaster murder mystery.
- Mini-series pilot script
- Podcast script
- Podcast
- Character profiles
- Character map (see Deluge Story Draft post)
- Story and plot outline (see Deluge Story Draft post)
The reason for considering a podcast is that it is possible to convey a vast amount of story information, give voices to the characters and explore the soundscape of the world without being restricted by a budget. This will also allow the listener to envisage and immerse themselves in the world. The podcast would also involve the casting of voice actors, and sourcing of sound effects and atmos in order to build an audible world.