We have delegated the writing tasks for the our Pocket Museum application, webisode series and audio artefacts. We will have ten locations, associated with ten of Christie’s stories. These stories are taken from newspaper clippings, books written about him and public documents. Ellie will be writing the audio artefacts scripts, from the point of view of John’s wife, Emilie. However it will not be disclosed that his wife is narrating, this will be something that we can subtly hint to as the story proceeds. Amy and Brontae are adapting the original story prose, newspaper articles and various source documents into prose that will be appropriate for the application and the website. The website can be more detailed and have links to the source documents included. I have adapted one of his stories into a script for filming, and have also created an original script, based on an article that describes how Christie prepare’s his disguises. The first webisode is this introduction script, however the second script is adapted from the book, The Reminiscences of Detective-Inspector Christie By J.B. Castieau.
Adapting the prose text into a script was a difficult task. It was also difficult knowing our time and budgetary limitations. Firstly, I summarised the main themes, and events in the original story. I then wrote a preliminary script based on the events. At first, I wanted to use all of the dialogue in the story, however when I had written the dialogue from the book into the script it sounded forced, and I decided that because film is a visual medium, and the dialogue that was mentioned, would already have been displaying in the visual format of film, I removed that dialogue and kept only the essential dialogue.
Also, we have hit a speed bump in terms of filming. RMIT forbids the use of imitation firearms on campus, therefore we may not be able to shoot the second coffin script. This is a safety concern as we have a duty of care for the actors involved in the production, and as we have a limited budget, and cannot afford an armorer we may have to cancel filming this scene. This is what we will be discussing tomorrow in detail. There are many speed bumps in the road, however hopefully we will be able to film at least the John Mitchell Christie introduction video.
Click on the scripts to view: