The actor who played Chastity the first day didn’t show up to the second day’s shoot so Neeve ended up stepping in and playing the role. Neeve had played Chastity in the test shoots and she was more that suitable for the role. The only issue was that she had come appropriately dressed for the shoot and didn’t have a party dress. So with thanks to Natalie we dressed her up in some of Natalie’s attire and started filming.
The first day we ended up rotating the roles quite regularly, however on the second day the crew pretty much stayed the same. I had a children’s birthday to attend so I directed the first scene with Omar and then left for most of the day When I returned a few hours later they had gone through most of the material and were at the end of the mockumentary scenes. We then promptly began filming the film noir scene which was good fun, and when I plugged the red head in (the first time we had used them the entire shoot) Natalie realised that the light was smoking. The previous user hadn’t turned off the red head from the switch and when I plugged the light in the barn doors were closed. Thanks to Natalie’s quick action there was no damage to the light or ourselves.
The writers of the sections were not to direct their script, however they were involved in other roles such as cinematography. I was very impressed by the creative writers who were incredibility good for having little to no experience on set. It was a great environment and I would be happy working with the whole crew again. Now on to the post-production. We have decided that the writer of the scripts will edit their own scenes, and Angus will create a trailer for the presentations.