In week 1 we had our first Friday class in the TV studios, which was an interesting and slightly overwhelming experience. One of the major reasons I picked this studio was due to its usage of the TV studios. I have never used the space or any of the equipment and as this is the last year of my degree and therefore my last studio, I really wanted to familiarise myself with a film and television studio space before I graduate. There are multiple roles within the studio I want to experiment with throughout the semester, particularly camera operator, vision switcher and producer/writer. I definitely see myself in the future working within the film and television industry so this is an ideal opportunity to experiment and learn about the varying roles you can undertake in the industry. Not only do I want to familiarise myself with the equipment but the manner in which a studio runs during filming. There are obviously a lot of people doing a lot of different jobs within a studio and they need to all come together to work as a team. Learning how to effectively communicate with co-workers, work efficiently and utilise organisational tools like a run sheet within the studio is definitely experience I would like to have before entering the professional media workforce.
Throughout the semester as we become more familiar with the roles and safety practices I think using the studio will become a lot more fun and less stressful as everything won’t seem so foreign. As it is early in the semester my group is still unsure of the style we want to present our fact check in but I think as we all start to grow in experience within the studio we will grow in confidence in experimenting with filming and editing.