Now, This, Fact Check Group

For the rest of the semester I will be working in a group with Oscar, Alex, Roie and Lochie. From the list of fact check options provided we decided to focus on the question “Have women become better educated whilst the gender pay gap hasn’t budged?” I did find a majority of both the climate change and gender related questions interesting however as a woman the question we chose is something I’m genuinely passionate about and wanting to research and I think my groups passion for the subject matter will show in our effort and work.

As we are still in the early stages of creating our final fact check work, it’s important to utilise this time for research and creating a plan of direction. In terms of individual research the first place I went was YouTube where I searched ‘gender pay gap 2019’ and had a browse through the results in hopes of finding news segments and political discussions. The top result was from a really interesting channel, PragerU, which posts a lot of political content, specifically interviewing people on the street about certain topics. A video they posted in February of 2019 is asking women at California State University if they still believe the wage gap is real. I think featuring vox pops and interviews from a variety of people is vital and I definitely want to include in our work as it indicates we are coming from a non-bias perspective and something.

Notably I came across other videos discussing gender pay from The Economist channel and Liberal Democrats (Australia). The Economist video ‘Why are women paid less than men?’ was a really good simple explanation whereas the video from Liberal Democrats (Australia) featured Senator David Leyonhjelm questioning the Workplace Gender Equality Agency.

As our question is very current I think YouTube is a great place for basic research as content about gender pay is regularly being uploaded but I would definitely still like to utilise the RMIT library for articles and facts.

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