Memory, Identity and Neighbourhoods, Post 7

In recent years, a lot of magazines have created YouTube channels as a way to visually communicate stories with readers online and open themselves up to a wider audience. Although having never actually read Glamour Magazine, it regularly posts content on YouTube that has caught my eye. There is a particular series, 70 People Ages 5-75 Answer, that almost acts as a short documentary. Each video features one person of each age providing their answer to the exact same question. Although its very simple in concept I find these videos not only entertaining but I appreciate how we are given a glimpse into someone’s identity not in just what they say but the mannerisms and emotions. I think this type of video is also an inspiration for our documentary as everyone is giving very direct clear answers and therefore they have been able to compile such a wide variety of answers into a short video. We are definitely aiming to do something similar with our documentary in that we want a wide variety of vintage shoppers of different ages who have different stories and opinions.


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