Memory, Identity and Neighbourhoods, Assignment 3, Part 4

Discussing another groups’ pitch 

I will be assessing the Pentridge Prison pitch. I thought this group did a really good job at providing a direct, interesting and informative pitch to the class, especially considering they were first to present. Having never heard of Pentridge Prison, I felt they gave a great introduction to the location and it’s history. They went onto expand on the surrounding area of the prison and how it is evolving over time. I appreciated how they combined Arielle and Tal’s interests from assignment 2 and were able to create a new direction together for their documentary.

I agree with the panel in that there are several focus points the group mentioned and that they should consider focusing on one. As this is only a 3 to 5 minute documentary, I personally think it would be more effective to just focus on the prison history, an interesting inmate story or the ghost/haunted aspect of the prison. I equally like the concept of focusing on the change within the urban environment that is growing around Pentridge but I think they would need longer than 5 minutes to successfully capture that story.

I would definitely green light this project as I think it has a lot of potential and multiple avenues it can go down, whichever one it may be. Their passion and interest in this topic definitely showed in their presentation and I think that was what was one of the most captivating aspects aspects of this presentation, other than their great location and ideas. My only concern for this group would be that there is potential for some really great interviews with people who live nearby or an ex employee or even ex inmate, but these could be extremely difficult to come by and will definitely take a lot of time to capture.

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