Category: Quotes

quotes that I find important

Quote of the week

“I think ultimately if you have a very high expectation of your audience and you know exactly what it is you’re trying to express through the medium of film, there will always be an audience for you”.

-Atom Egoyan


Quote of the Week



“Cinema has changes. Cinema is now a 30 second Youtube clip. Clear your mind. Think of different now. Make it bend to you. Never use a walking stick, it looks doper to limp. Catch my drift?” – Harmony Korine.

Most Hilarious quote from someone attempting to be serious. Sadly he’s right tho…


Quote of the Week


“Comedy is filled with surprise, so when I cross a line, I like to find out where the line might be and then cross it deliberately, and then make the audience happy about crossing the line with me”.

-George Carlin.

Sketch K-film

Jason’s K-Film

*couple notes:

the video only works in the safari browser & text has been placed when constructing the video however, korsakow will only display it whenever it feels like it. Such a great program i’snt it?

Quote of the week


“A number of images put together a certain way become something quite above and beyond what any of them are individually.”
-Francis Ford Coppola

Quote of the week


“I look at the world and I see absurdity all around me. People do strange things constantly, to the point that, for the most part, we manage not to see it.”

-David Lynch

Quote of the Week

“A film is – or should be – more like music than like fiction. It should be a progression of moods and feelings. The theme, what’s behind the emotion, the meaning, all that comes later.”

-Stanley Kubrick