Scene In Cinema: Week #6 Reflection/ Epiphany

This weeks classes where more theoretical, rather than the practical nature most our Scene in Cinema classes in the past have been, as we dedicated majority of our time preparing for our week seven presentations and pre-production for the filming our short film/ scene assessment task.

Although, on Wednesday, I began to brainstorm all the filmmaking processes I want to investigate and explore during the production stages of my film, Friday’s class was best described by Paul as “the first day of the rest of the semester”, as I officially commenced my pre-production for what I assume will consume a vast majority of my time in this course. After Friday morning’s brief camera coverage exercise, where we focused on cheating our shooting space by moving the actors between takes to enhance the environmental continuity, I began my pre-production by making a visual storyboard consisting of frames from various films which have inspired the cinematography and lighting I want to create for my film’s night time car scene.

Although I have collected various still frames of characters driving in films such as Drive (2011), Breathless (1960), Irreversible (2002) and Locke (2013), when collating my storyboard, I hope to be able to utilize these images merely as visual references to inspire me to produce new and exciting cinematic approaches to cover a scene in a car.


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