Tag: media 3

A visit to National Gallery of Victoria

On Tuesday week 7 the class visited the National Gallery of Victoria to visit some of the photography exhibition to see talented works of art and hopefully get inspired by them. I saw many incredible and intriguing photos, from Bill Henson, William Eggleston, to an Indonesian contemporary photographer Edwin Roseno, the Exhilarating photos of Amusement parks by Carsten Holler, and incredibly minimalistic yet beautiful landscape by the artist born from the same land as Brian, Derek Henderson. It is very inspiring to see very different works inspired by various circumstances. Seeing all the creative works reminds me a quote from Paul Schrader that “True creativity comes from restrictions and limitations” and watching a video of Anna Akana (Youtuber) talking to an artist. Creativity comes from playing and tweaking your capability in the limited boundaries you have. That’s what makes creativity.

An big room is dedicated to William Eggleston. He is credited for introducing color photographs in the photography world. One of his first colour photograph , the guy holding the trolleys, is one of my favorite. He likes to take candid photographs, not necessarily street photographs, but it represents the culture he was in.

The Indonesian Photographer Edwin Roseno uses product packages as pots for plants, showing the direct relation between nature-then-processed result. In his description “Green Hypermarket” is Edwin’s way of how consumable packages have been a utilized in Indonesian homes. After serving it’s commercial purpose, the packages are then used by Indonesian people for plants, changing its value to preserve life.

All of the photographers in NGV inspired me to pursue my own creative style. All of their dedication in their work deserved respect. Below are some of the Picture I took in the exhibition



Halfway through the project

Tuesday I showed Brian some of the sample pictures I had made. Mimesis, the second project brief entails an imitation of a renown/public photographer’s style. Because I choose Duane Michals, the American photographer known for his text in pictures, I am very interested to try to incorporate my handwriting into  my work.  I’m very happy that Duane keeps an eye on both the technicalities of his photographs,  while also focusing heavily on the composition on his pictures. Since most of his photos are staged, he has the capability to express his creativity any way he wanted.

Planning the project Brief, I wanted to express some of my thoughts into a picture. So my work is kind of a self-expression of what is in my mind. The picture above is one example I took with my friend. We were at the Summit Camp and I happened to cross this pathway while cruising for pictures. The place was beautiful. The sun was blazing hot, every plants and trees grow taller than humans, so you would feel like you’re surrounded by giants. But if those giants have white petals and perfect to have a picture with, then you wouldn’t feel overwhelmed.

Uses of Photography, First day

Henri Cartier-Bresson

The first day of our media class, Brian introduced himself and immediately we were shown a 20-minute documentary of Henri Cartier-Bresson, a French photographer and the pro-creator of Magnum photos.  The video told us about Cartier-Bresson’s intake on photography. Famously known to create the genre of Street Photography, For Cartier-Bresson, a photographer needs to be quick (quick, quick), to get the decisive moment right. One of the most profound lesson I learned from the French photographer is not to label your photography. Because it limits on what you are capable of doing. Do not focus on what kind of pictures you take, but how you take your pictures.

Other than the incredible documentary, our class were handed with lots of canon DSLRs to start learning how to use them. With a 4-member group, we tried calibrating ourselves with the cameras and took some pretty interesting shots. The fact that it also was a sunny day makes it all the better.


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