Tag: hatsystem

Wearing the Black and Yellow Hat

I was amazed to see everybody’s video, seeing how everybody’s skill are expressed extremely different from each other. And I realize just how inferior my skill is compared to them, from pre to post production. But I am grateful, to be inspired by their videos, and to be amongst each other, as I try to keep up with their growths.

as good as everybody’s project may seem, there will always be room for improvements. First of all, I agree with all of my classmate’s comment on my video, that the audio was terrible, and I should have used another microphone and controlled the interview environments. I acknowledge that I forgot to ask Mr.Nichols to turn off the music and to have the interview in a separate place. Thank you everybody for teaching me how to improve.

“If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original.” – Ken Robinson

Now the first person I want to use my hat on is Jasmin’s video of her sister.

First, I love the music. It’s not complicated, I don’t know the specific reason why you chose this music, but It didn’t make your sister look complicated, like she’s a boss or an influential people or anything, it makes me feel like she’s just a teenager having fun. Second, I like your found footage, it connects your sister with the rest of story. And third, I like the way you interpret that analogy into video, because I wouldn’t have thought of that. And lastly, I think you audio is great, no jump sounds like my video. The things that I would like you to improve are: I would like to see more variety of shots, especially a close-up shot of your sister , and I think seeing her in the full costume would be a bomber ending  (I only recognized the helmet). Overall, it was a great quality production! You can find jasmin’s blog here

The second person is Sylvia

First, I like the camera angels and technique, and the one showing how your subject is frustrated by throwing crumpled papers in the bin. Second I like your idea of using the Bulb light as the found footage. It’s unique and new, something that I haven’t thought before. But I don’t understand the first found footage though, what did it mean? Third, The audio is good and lack noise. Did you use the zoom equipment? The things I would probably want you to improve are your transition and the footage’s colour. Sometimes it’s a bit rough,, and for me to video is too orange. But that’s it, other than that, It’s a great video! You can find Slyvia’s blog here

The third person I will be giving my hat’s power is Yolanda

First. I like the on point of the video, seeing the process of a fashion designer, from planning, buying materials, and shapeshifting the cloth on the mannequin. I like shot 2:03, it’s funny and unique.  Second, some of the audio was quite good, but some of it had a lot of noise, even though I didn’t really empower the vocals. Third, I also like some of the quirky angles that u used, it’s creative and new, like the one at 1:07. Maybe the aspects that you can improve revolves around the video? I think most of the shots are overexposed and more varieties of the shots would make a huge difference. Overall I love the story and your subject! Well done!.

Everybody’s video were awesome, it kind of made me feel insecure, because I had so many errors in editing my video. But without failure, there is no room for improvement. I am excited to do my best for the next brief project! How about you?

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