Category: Uncategorized

Head stuck

Last week I watched one documentary called “Nowhere Line: Voices from Manus Island”   I don’t think that this documentary counts as an open documentary, but regardless it’s unique and different. The narrative is told by using animation, and the story was told by 2 men who are still in the detention center as I write this. Obviously the talk…

Practice practice practice, Project O


So I did a little video for the small organization that I am working on , Project O. We are a bunch of Indonesian students trying to raise awareness that there are still 2.5 Million children in Indonesian struggling to go to school. We are trying to help, the best that we can.

The video that I made is for the campaign, #POChallengeYourSenses . We want to challenge the Maxim “The Three Wise Monkeys” that is seen as an act of ignorance to the western culture, to use that to challenge how you can use the senses to create a difference. Sharing is caring, and sharing is a powerful action.

I recorded the video using an iPhone, Because I thought It was enough back then. But I kind of regret using the iPhone, because the pixel quality wasn’t as good as I thought it would be. Nevertheless, I hope that my skill has improved, even if it’s only a tiny little bit.


Project Brief progress

I have to say our group is steady on it’s schedule, we divided our jobs and our roles, and we did what we were assigned to do. We scraped off one of our Ideas once because the topic was too broad and we didn’t have enough time to gather the other materials.But now I think we are on the right track 

The Imitation Game

The Imitation game covers the story of Alan Turning, a mathematician that solved the German’s encrypted communication in the second world war. The movie is exciting, bittersweet, and tragic. I praise Benedict Cumberbatch for his role in this movie, even though I have never met the real Alan Turning, Benedict’s representation gave me a glimpse of what he would be like.His…

I’m triggered by your trigger warning.

  Today in the workshop we discussed everyone’s fourth project brief idea and their current progress on their annotated bibliography. There were interesting ideas, such as the evolution of audiences, the role of institutions in media, the activity of audience the they way social media fights with the government, and my group discussed our present topic: The trigger warning and…

Remember the Fallen

anzac day


They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them. – Laurence Binyon

As an international student, I could only share the mutual feelings of respect through my country’s own heroes. Without the sacrifice of our heroes, we would not be able to stand here and enjoy what they have given us. At first ,I didn’t know what ANZAC day was, so I searched in youtube to get a better explanation.

ANZAC day is an honorary day. Every media in Australia know this and use their influence to give respect, to show that they do not forget. Major broadcasters show the live show of the ceremony, and other depict the cultural and historical context behind it. There is only one view of the ANZAC day, and the only right one.

Wearing the Black and Yellow Hat

I was amazed to see everybody’s video, seeing how everybody’s skill are expressed extremely different from each other. And I realize just how inferior my skill is compared to them, from pre to post production. But I am grateful, to be inspired by their videos, and to be amongst each other, as I try to keep up with their growths.

as good as everybody’s project may seem, there will always be room for improvements. First of all, I agree with all of my classmate’s comment on my video, that the audio was terrible, and I should have used another microphone and controlled the interview environments. I acknowledge that I forgot to ask Mr.Nichols to turn off the music and to have the interview in a separate place. Thank you everybody for teaching me how to improve.

“If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original.” – Ken Robinson

Now the first person I want to use my hat on is Jasmin’s video of her sister.

First, I love the music. It’s not complicated, I don’t know the specific reason why you chose this music, but It didn’t make your sister look complicated, like she’s a boss or an influential people or anything, it makes me feel like she’s just a teenager having fun. Second, I like your found footage, it connects your sister with the rest of story. And third, I like the way you interpret that analogy into video, because I wouldn’t have thought of that. And lastly, I think you audio is great, no jump sounds like my video. The things that I would like you to improve are: I would like to see more variety of shots, especially a close-up shot of your sister , and I think seeing her in the full costume would be a bomber ending  (I only recognized the helmet). Overall, it was a great quality production! You can find jasmin’s blog here

The second person is Sylvia

First, I like the camera angels and technique, and the one showing how your subject is frustrated by throwing crumpled papers in the bin. Second I like your idea of using the Bulb light as the found footage. It’s unique and new, something that I haven’t thought before. But I don’t understand the first found footage though, what did it mean? Third, The audio is good and lack noise. Did you use the zoom equipment? The things I would probably want you to improve are your transition and the footage’s colour. Sometimes it’s a bit rough,, and for me to video is too orange. But that’s it, other than that, It’s a great video! You can find Slyvia’s blog here

The third person I will be giving my hat’s power is Yolanda

First. I like the on point of the video, seeing the process of a fashion designer, from planning, buying materials, and shapeshifting the cloth on the mannequin. I like shot 2:03, it’s funny and unique.  Second, some of the audio was quite good, but some of it had a lot of noise, even though I didn’t really empower the vocals. Third, I also like some of the quirky angles that u used, it’s creative and new, like the one at 1:07. Maybe the aspects that you can improve revolves around the video? I think most of the shots are overexposed and more varieties of the shots would make a huge difference. Overall I love the story and your subject! Well done!.

Everybody’s video were awesome, it kind of made me feel insecure, because I had so many errors in editing my video. But without failure, there is no room for improvement. I am excited to do my best for the next brief project! How about you?

Narrative Checklist

You can find the narrative sheet here (warning you have to be logged in an RMIT account) So the Narrative exercise sheet helped me to create a story for the guy I was interviewing. He had a lovely personality, we had a serious talk, but nothing that would create a cinematic story. So I just wanted to portray the good vibe he…

“We even use it behind bars!”

  I read the article by Oscar Schwartz this afternoon. It kinda surprised me, positively and negatively. well when I thought that media technology is everywhere, I didn’t think this would be really everywhere. Oscar Schwartz tells us a unique experience he had with a current inmate. how he got to talk to this stranger? through tags. Thank you Brian, Rachel, Paul,…

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