Week 12

Marina Beach, Chennai, 2016

with a sprinkle of stress because of my other projects, and topped with my interviewee that kept postponing the interview, I would say I was ready to jump off the bridge (figuratively). Because of their busy schedule, my subject of interview from Baitul Ma’mur had to do the interview on the last minute. This gave me a considerable strain because her narration is 50% of the whole interview. But thankfully we did it anyway, and fortunately the interview went quite well. There was some problem with the audio, because some kids were playing in the background, and the frame for that interview was perfect, so changing location was a bad idea. But because of the noise, I had to ask my subject to repeat her answer several times, only to be interrupted by the kids again. We had a pre-interview, so my subject was not very uncomfortable/surprise to answer the question, so it went smoothly. The only thing that I regretted was for some of the questions. I felt like the interview didn’t have the personal touch that I wanted, and it looked too formal sometimes.

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