Media Week 10



Week 10 is interesting. After coming to many festivals i have many potential subjects that I contacted and agreed to be filmed upon, unfortunately I can only start recording around this week. The only best thing I can do now is to create a solid structure and use the materials I already got.  The community that I found rest in Lavernton, called Baitul Ma’mul, an Indonesian muslim community under the Indonesian Muslim Community Victoria (IMCV), and another group called Bethany International Church (BIC). You may ask “why are they all religious groups jason?” It’s because Indonesia is a very religious country. Just look at the first principle of Indonesia’s fundamental politics, Pancasila:

Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa

it means: Belief in the one and only God

Indonesia is a very religious country. It has it’s ups and downs, but I respect it’s integrity. Since my documentary wants to focus on community activities, their religious practice will also be observed, even though not as detailed as the concept of their general community.

Found footages will be important as part of my documentary, as I recall their history and their commitment to the community.

For post-production, I will try to the best of my ability to edit it well. Using music in documentaries is not my forte, as it seems. I am still struggling to incorporate music, and I will ask Kim a lot for help (I’m sorry Kim)

Fun fact: Indonesia is Not a muslim country. Indonesia is a country with muslim as a majority, that is why many people mistook it to be a muslim country. Not trying to implicate anything here, just a fact.

thanks for reading, have a great weekend!


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