Practice practice practice, Project O


So I did a little video for the small organization that I am working on , Project O. We are a bunch of Indonesian students trying to raise awareness that there are still 2.5 Million children in Indonesian struggling to go to school. We are trying to help, the best that we can.

The video that I made is for the campaign, #POChallengeYourSenses . We want to challenge the Maxim “The Three Wise Monkeys” that is seen as an act of ignorance to the western culture, to use that to challenge how you can use the senses to create a difference. Sharing is caring, and sharing is a powerful action.

I recorded the video using an iPhone, Because I thought It was enough back then. But I kind of regret using the iPhone, because the pixel quality wasn’t as good as I thought it would be. Nevertheless, I hope that my skill has improved, even if it’s only a tiny little bit.


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