Month: May 2016

Lost in translation? Or too much filtering?

while I was searching for good material for my project brief 4, I came across this video of John Green explaining his book was listed as number one in “2015 top ten most challenged books”.  I was quite surprised that book was put into that category. Personally biased I’ve read the book and find the explicit material to be, inexplicit at all. As mentioned by Green, the sexual reference was only a few number of pages and it wasn’t a sexual act itself. Yes the book talks about using drugs, but the whole story is about this guy came into using these drugs, not how he felt while he was under drugs (I personally don’t like Alaska because she kinda ruined the protagonist’s life). The story is taken out of context, and it shouldn’t have to be if you actually read the book. What’s your opinion on that?


  Brian Morris discussed social institutions, which brought tearful memories of my high school. We used to remember the most common types of social institutions and all the functions, pretty useless but somewhat fun. I’m going to try to tell you all the things I remembered.  (disclaimer, I took the information from Wikipedia, but trust me I’ve learned this in…

The Imitation Game

The Imitation game covers the story of Alan Turning, a mathematician that solved the German’s encrypted communication in the second world war. The movie is exciting, bittersweet, and tragic. I praise Benedict Cumberbatch for his role in this movie, even though I have never met the real Alan Turning, Benedict’s representation gave me a glimpse of what he would be like.His…


I just finished watching the TV adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes. It amazing, one of the best tv show I’ve watched, in terms of story quality and filming technique. Because I am still an amateur, I do know know what the techniques used in the movies are, so I resulted into Quora. One of the people who answer the question managed to grasp the best video technique that the TV show uses.

You can read it here:

Read Pritesh Desai‘s answer to What are some unique visual techniques used in “Sherlock” the BBC TV Series? on Quora


I’m triggered by your trigger warning.

  Today in the workshop we discussed everyone’s fourth project brief idea and their current progress on their annotated bibliography. There were interesting ideas, such as the evolution of audiences, the role of institutions in media, the activity of audience the they way social media fights with the government, and my group discussed our present topic: The trigger warning and…

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