Month: April 2016


So at week 5 we did an interview exercise using a Sony MCE50, a “cute” handy camcorder that does a very good job at recording videos. The topic for the exercise was our tips on surviving university life. My team and I did the exercise quite well and after storing the files on our own computer, we edited the footage individually. This is what my edit turn out like. I am quite pleased with the video, the music makes the fun vibe that i want, although i didn’t put all of the question and answers inside, I feel the video is already complete. Maybe some of the minor problems was the audio, the background noise was pretty loud, and we had a little confusion using the tripod. Why is the opening sequence that red you ask? because the RMIT logo is red. Actually i tried to put just an overlay colour to the video, but it didn’t turn out quite well, so I tried playing with other types of blends, and turns out the blend mode “hard mix” makes it look like a pop art, so I just went with that. Overall i was quite happy with how the video turns out.

Inspiration Week #5 Angelica Dass

I was scrolling through Ted Talks and i came across a very interesting thumbnail. I watched the video and was introduced to Angelica Daas’s project Humanae. (if you’re too lazy to watch the awesome video, continue reading) Humanae brings a new perspective about human’s view of diversity. She took the photograph of the participants in a white background and white flash light,…

A sense of relief

Reading Michael Rabiger and Robert Mckeee’s article, i realised that one of the crucial aspects of a movie  is the ending. A good movie creates a sense of relief for the audience. Some filmmakers challange this idea and still manage to make great movies, but for the most part, the ending sets the comment for the movie. We’ve always have our…

Inspiration Week #4



I love this video by Andrew Norton so much. A travelling montage like the ones you would see on a youtube’s channel, except you don’t only see their face filling half of the screen. I like how he narrates the video by having a phone call with his partner, it makes me feel closer to the video and more engaged somehow. He shows the beautiful galapagos island while having giggles with his wife. 

Another video edited by him was the one you would see people share on Facebook. This video explains what your older self would tell to your younger self. I feel like they were giving advice to their younger self to just shrug it off, don’t give a f*ck to your insecurities, and just be who you are. A very inspiring video 


Reading Alan Mckee’s guide on textual analysis reminds me to always look at different sides of the story. It may have 2 sides of the story, or even 5, 6, whatever sides you feel comfortable. in fact opinion, I believe that Alan’s guide into textual analysis should apply to all sorts of interpretation and judgment. People’s opinion are very biased, which…

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