Month: March 2016

Who I am

MEDIA 1, 1st Brief Photos   This is me. Now I’m always so engaged with my phone, I always bring it everywhere i go, whenever I have free time, i would unlock, open any social media, and check all my friends’s timeline. My family is back in Indonesia, But i use Skype to chat with them whenever we’ve missed each…

Federation Square, Media All around

Melbourne has a vast media objects, here are some pictures we took at Federation Square

 a sample video of the Federation Square

Other things that we found at Federation Square

  • writing and arts carved in Ground
  • advertisements on the floor
  • Trucks with advertisements
  • SBS Building
  • My phone


All Seeing Eye

When we discussed about our goals in Networked Media, one of my classmates mentioned “to be able to give opinion with critical thinking, without any elements of discrimination”. I realised how powerful the social network is and how important it is to have network literacy.  Network literacy means the ability to use networked technology. in this age, you can not…

Profusion of Stimulation

Hyper & Deep focus N. Katherine Hayles discussed between ‘Hyper attention’ and ‘Deep attention’, types of cognitive function that is currently undergoing a generational shift in her late article in 2007. She explains that technology has changed the way people communicate and interact with each other, to the point where people basically “think”. Hyper attention, where you focus on multiple…

Student Charter

If you want to see the RMIT Student Charter, click the link below: Student Charter link The four values of the Student Charter: Creative Connected Fair Passionate The Student Charter will act as a foundation to all of the things that I will be putting inside this blog. To summarise, the student charter expects the student’s work to be discrimination-free,…

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