It’s the Video

JH_2 from Jason Hendriks on Vimeo.

The Idea of making the video changes every time I tried to work it. At first I wanted to make a more, mysterious and sad type of video to show how sad I am. I was going to achieve that by inserting dark pictures and videos of landscapes. I would have only put words and not a voice over. I figured it was too mellow to make. Then I started to think about myself. The objects that I always bring with me is my phone. I stays in my pocket when I am in class, going to the bathroom, even when I am showering.  So I got the idea of using my iPad to show some of the videos that I took. For the sounds I tried to ask one of my best friend to give a comment about who I am, but she got so nervous she gave a very blunt comment instead. Still we laugh about the audio and I decided to put it in. Watching some people’s haiku and identity videos gave me the courage to try to make my own music, but since I can’t play any instrument, I use the only resort I have, my mouth. I tried to whistle a music, and I tried to make a cheerful voice to say that I am not that sad. I also did a voice over to let the video flow easier. At the first part of the video you would see my hand. My friends told me that I am random, so the random picture seems fit.  And if you see how I narrated the video, I sound a little bit sarcastic, that is just because I am. I feel good about the video i’ve made, partly because this is the first video i made in premiere pro, and seeing other people’s project inspire me a lot. I wished I had better skill in editing though, there a lot of things I can improve about this video, since it looks very amateur-ish. Nevertheless, It’s the video. What’s your video like?

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