In Response to David Gauntlett’s video
David Gauntlett Changed my view of media. Some people may argue the now some form of media is dying away. But it’s not dying, it’s simply fading away, transforming into other forms. David said that media studies is not learning what media is all about, instead media studies is us learning with media. Because with media we are intending in moving forward with
building meaning and understanding rather than looking back on accounts of of how things are
so we are trying to make new things instead of looking backward. He also said we should not see media as channels, as things. We should see media as a triggers for experiences. I completely agree with what David said. In broadcast age, it’s good if people have access to media, because media is a source of information. The situation is ‘you take what you are given’. We gladly accept the entertainment and news given by the media, because we had no control of it. But now when we can engage each other in the internet, we start to choose which content we want and dissipate what we don’t want. Because of this, the media keeps changing, it’s content and it’s form. But the most important thing is that media needs to be a trigger. A trigger for a conversation, a trigger for transformation, inspiration and action. We create media not just to create something good, but we produce media to engage more people, to make a difference. What I hope in learning media communication is to make media that connects people, and to inspire people.