Who I am

MEDIA 1, 1st Brief



This is me. Now I’m always so engaged with my phone, I always bring it everywhere i go, whenever I have free time, i would unlock, open any social media, and check all my friends’s timeline.


My family is back in Indonesia, But i use Skype to chat with them whenever we’ve missed each other


The new family that I find here


This is my routine every morning with my sister. I love cooking, and she loves eating, so every morning I would cook something and we would have breakfast before we each have our own classes

File_000(2)Sometimes I love being with my friends, but I also treasure my time alone. Hungry jacks, my laptop and spotify will be my best friend when I’m alone. This picture shows that I am a person who enjoys a moment alone. Sometimes a moment alone is good to reflect on yourself and to gain a better understanding about the things you’re pondering File_000

I love reading Sci-fI books, Cooking books, and any books in general that interest me. This picture not only shows that i love throwing books around, but i love playing with them.



File_002(2) from Jason Hendriks on Vimeo. Because I live right at the heart of Melbourne, Public trams become my most useful transportation. I can’t use bicycle because it won’t fit my apartment, and buying a car would be too expensive. File_000 from Jason Hendriks on Vimeo. I love photography, I especially love portraits. I use whatever gadgets available for me to take pictures, since now it’s easier and easier to snap an image File_001 from Jason Hendriks on Vimeo. Being near the sea calms me down. I like going to library at the Docklands, and I would just sit outside and watch the amazing view


This is the sound of me and my friends just karaoke-ing, enjoying small moment of fun we have.   My hobby, cooking comes with an unfortunate downside, I have to clean everything when I’m done. and it’s not just the plates, but also the stove, the sink, the drinking glass, and the utensils When I’m walking down every road, this is what I hear. Music in the background, people from diverse culture talking to each other. I love the diversity that is in Melbourne, reminds to to stay humble and respect everybody  


” I am who I am because of my family, my friends, my enemies, my fears, my strengths and my beliefs.  I have my regrets, but I also have my dreams. The future is more important than the past, but the present is the most important of all. Live now”

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