It’s time to present the media artefacts that we’ve made over the past week. And to grade each other’s work, we had to use the six thinking hats. A method of discussion where each participant wears (metaphorically) a different colour of hat, that had a different role in group discussion. I got the Yellow one, It meant I had to give an absolute positive and supportive comment. The method’s intention was to force each participant to think and plan before giving a common. I found it easy to wear the the yellow hat, because my classmate’s materials were awesome. It’s creative, truly described their own personality. One enjoys rock music and tennis, one enjoys travelling and engaging in a conversation, and one enjoys the aspects of a subtle, segregated, twilight world. We laughed hearing each other’s material, we found the best part of our materials very easily. Tell me about yours, what are the interesting type of people that were in your group?