
Our imagination is powerful, it’s incredible, and still we can’t predict what our imaginations can do. It helps us innovates, it is the foundation of our creativity, and it helps us in our daily life.  Imagination helps us fill the gaps between things we sometimes don’t understand. Comic artist gives readers the chance to use their imagination in their comics, thus that is why comics are so visually exciting and appealing. Now the best kind of media out there would be media that sparks the audience’s imagination. Jeremy Bowtell told me that in editing, there will be breaking, and there will be fixing parts in a video. That is what makes a creative film. A film is filled with “tendentious selection and juxtaposition”. A film sparks our imagination, but a film also influence the audience and directing them into a desired direction.

Everything begins with and imagination. We dream with our imagination, driving us towards the path of success. Our imagination is like our fingerprints, never the same with one another. That is why, whatever media that we are creating, there is no bad media, because it all come from our imagination, and no idea is a bad idea. What do you think?


Responding to Scott McCloud “Blood in the Gutter”


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