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To get familiar with Premiere Pro, we were assigned with an exercise to produce a Haiku piece. We were to record short still shots, and upload them to make a 30 second clip, and share it with the rest of the media cohort. As our class didn’t have time to go out...

Blood in the Gutter

Reading Scott McCloud’s ‘Blood in the Gutter’, it was eye opening to how incredible and stimulating forms of content can come across through a comic, coming from someone who has never been a massive enthusiast of cartoons. Whenever I attempted to read comics, I simply...

Thinking Hats

In this week’s workshop, we reflected PB1, our creative self-portraits, a collaboration of photos, videos and sounds through Edward DeBono’s ‘6 thinking hats’ (But only four were used). A person would present their work, and some members of the class...


PHOTO ONE This photo describes me through my religion. You could say that i am proud to be Jewish, as my family is traditional, it is a big part of my identity, and shaped me to who i am today. This photo shows the ritual of the lighting of the candles, done...


In the second Lectorial, past student Jeremy Bowtell introduced the concept of editing, something that I personally haven’t looked into deeply before. Editing was introduced as the holes and spaces between, ‘gaps’ across all platforms of media. As a reader we join...