by jasminewinecier | Mar 22, 2016 | Media 1
Project brief two. A tough challenge, however a great reflective exercise to search and expose on our self-identity. I was really put to the test, with a slow computer and new knowledge on the program. However, as the learning process...
by jasminewinecier | Mar 20, 2016 | Media 1, Reading Responses
In week 4 we were assigned to focus on the reading of a blog post and a video by David Gauntlett, a UK author, where he introduces and explains his new book ‘Making Media Studies’, where he describes the current trends in today’s society regarding media. Gauntlett’s...
by jasminewinecier | Mar 14, 2016 | Media 1
Being in the position of using a whole new program seems scary at first. However, as i was using premiere pro for the first time, i was really challenged to learn the skills and techniques in such a short period of space. As my computer played up, and prevented me...
by jasminewinecier | Mar 14, 2016 | Media 1
To get familiar with Premiere Pro, we were assigned with an exercise to produce a Haiku piece. We were to record short still shots, and upload them to make a 30 second clip, and share it with the rest of the media cohort. As our class didn’t have time to go out...
by jasminewinecier | Mar 10, 2016 | Media 1, Reading Responses
Reading Scott McCloud’s ‘Blood in the Gutter’, it was eye opening to how incredible and stimulating forms of content can come across through a comic, coming from someone who has never been a massive enthusiast of cartoons. Whenever I attempted to read comics, I simply...
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