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Narrative Structure – PB3

Exercise:  Answer the following questions (and make sure you publish it as a blog post). Make sure  you elaborate on each answer at least two or more sentences of context/explanation. (There may be some questions that you can’t answer or that don’t apply –...


Today i finally filmed for my PB3 interview. For some reason, i was nervous to get it all done however managed to complete it, having such a fun time with Ellie. As we only had an hour or so to film, the pressure was on, however we managed to get it done in time, with...

Only 400…

At the start of the lecture, Rachel began by addressing the blog situation. The staff are not ecstatic with the amount of effort we are putting into our blogs, and encourage us to do much more with it. So far, with blogging- it seems that i constantly avoid writing,...


The second part of this weeks lectorial covered narrative and story telling, and it’s effect on the media. After Rachel’s bad cop speech, Brian showed us a video of an adorable little boy telling the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. Is story telling...

Workshop – Week Five

In our workshop, Seth started by giving us some feedback on PB2 as a whole, ways we can improve, and things we can fix. Things like music crediting, blog layouts, creativity etc. It was a good time to reflect, and perfect the small things we have to do for project...