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This week’s lectorial focused on media Institutions, and how it acts on organising structure within society. Brian explained the term in conjunction with sociology and ways of analysing the world. Institutions have the power to set up social, cultural, political and...

PB4 Progress…

Sometimes communication can be a little hard and tricky, when the other side refuses to communicate back. It has currently been a week since my group has not replied to certain messages regarding PB4, setting us behind a heap. Not quite sure what is going on, but i...

Week Nine: Workshop

Week nines workshop was a bit of an information overload, as we had not had a workshop the previous week. It was therefore a combination of both, focusing on annotated bibliographies, as well as project brief four itself. As most of the class was confused with what...

The People Formerly Known as the Audience

This week’s reading, ‘The People Formally Known as the Audience’ written by Jay Rosen, discusses media’s advancement, and the way audiences have recently become active due to a societal change. So who are audiences? Rosen states that “the people formerly known as the...