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Audio Rough Cut

This weeks workshop was based on our audio rough cuts. As i didnt contribute to our groups audio, it was the first time i had heard it. Specifically focusing on my groups audio essay, i was really surprised with how well it turned out, and how much effort the group...

Mediums & Technology

In todays lectorial, Brian spoke to us about Mediums and technology, dividing the theory into three sections. – 1. Medium Theory – 2. Technology and culture – 3. Communication Revolutions –   Media was described in three metaphors- media as...


Introduction to Culture and Technology by Murphie and Potts is about the relationship between the two mediums, and how in today’s society their recently close relationship has sparked and created an influence of technology, which has changed society’s routine of...


In this week’s reading, ‘Medium Theory: An Alternative to the Dominant Paradigm of Media Effects’,Joshua Meyrowitz article on his medium theory highlighted some ideas of the things society need to be mindful of when contemplating to research different media...

PB4 Progress

Today, Rachel and I met this morning to discuss the video essay. In my opinion, it was pretty pointless, and not much was achieved in this meeting. As the video script still had to be written, we basically just had to write it. However, as this meeting was...