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Coming in after the easter break, having some time to think about the power and impact of sound, we got assigned with an exercise focusing on sound. The task was to record an interview with Zoom H2N recorders- formal and informal – focusing on a certain theme within the university. After recording different sounds consisting of 2 interviews, atmosphere/ background and spot sounds, we have to mix the sounds together in Adobe Audition.

In pairs, we chose to focus on our ‘favourite place on campus to get a bite to eat’. Brainstorming ideas before we were sent off, it came to our minds to record things like a cafe, a coffee machine and a till closing with the sound of coins. However, when taking the recordings a few issues occurred. Because there is so much noise in a cafe it seemed impossible to get a good quality spot sound. There were people talking, machines making noise in the background and music playing, it was hard to focus on one single sound. However, when focusing on an atmosphere recording, it resulted in a good sounding shot.

Part of the exercise was to record a informal and formal interview. The informal was successful, as a cafe has a heap of background sound and we managed to do this fine. However, trying to find a quiet room to record the formal interview was quite impossible especially under time constraint. The construction noise seemed to be pretty over powering, and we unfortunately ran out of time to find a proper room to do it properly. Hence, we quickly rushed into a stair case and recorded it there. The issue was the echo, however in this location there was not any construction sounds in the background which was a good result!

By all means, the editing is not my proudest piece of work, however it was rushed, and was made in a short period of time- using audition for the first time.

Overall, using the Zoom recorder was a good exercise, as i now have learnt and experienced how to use it properly. Including the level of sound and different techniques i can use. When it comes to an assignment to focus on sound, i can use it for a good quality recordings.

Here is my final sound clip: