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In todays lectorial, Brian spoke to us about Mediums and technology, dividing the theory into three sections.
– 1. Medium Theory – 2. Technology and culture – 3. Communication Revolutions –  

Media was described in three metaphors- media as conduit (textual analysis), media as languages (affordances), and media as environments [medium analysis]
‘Medium theory is a special type of media study that focuses on such characteristics of each medium and on how each medium (or each type of media) physically, socially, and psychologically distinct from other media.” – MURPHIE & POTTS (2002)

Brian reflected on the changes in the past of mediums and technologies isnt just about the change, however is all about the renegotiation of the communication aspect of technology. He raised the question: Is technology neutral? As technologies effect does cultural work in society, and yet helps make context in both the cultural and social norms.

Types of communication creates new perspectives and understandings of our society as a whole, sometimes as a threat or consequence.
‘Social revolutions follow communications revolution’ – Howard Rheingold

As Brian didn’t necessarily dig into these topic, he based them around a brief introduction, sharing some sort knowledge, some were interesting, however i didnt relate so much to this lectorial, as i felt that i didnt learn much compared to past weeks.