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In this week’s lectorial, the topic of non-narrative media was brought to our attention. Seth’s presentation was an outline of the forms of non-narrative structure, accompanied by an example. According to Bordwell, D & Thompson, ‘a narrative begins with one situation; a series of changes occur according to a pattern of cause and effect; finally, a new situation arises that brings about the end of the narrative.’

Having explored some of these forms already in cinema studies, I was familiar with some, however was able to see it from another perspective in terms of media and its effect on the audience.

Forms of non narrative-
Rhetorical – used to communicate an argument, to direct an audience towards a specific point of view.
Abstract & Associational- types of ‘experimental films’ creator focuses on using visual attributes to convey a perspective on a topic. This may be through colours, shapes, sizes and movements.
Categorical – arranging material into a taxonomy that is formulated around a structured process of classification.
Associational – connects material together by looking for illogical relationships. A juxtaposition

After watching many different types of videos, i came to the conclusion that a film maker can add much meaning and value towards the audiences decisions and interpretations. As Seth said, non-narrative media can give a viewer an experience and opportunity to ‘actively engage’, twisting and shaping it to whatever fits their needs and expectations.