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Today i finally filmed for my PB3 interview. For some reason, i was nervous to get it all done however managed to complete it, having such a fun time with Ellie. As we only had an hour or so to film, the pressure was on, however we managed to get it done in time, with no problems! She is a popular blogger/ food activist on social media, promoting such good lifestyles through her hilarious humour. This is a little something she did on snapchat while filming for all her followers.

When filming, i made sure everything was in place, finding the right position took a few attempts. We ended up in front of the bookshelf, giving it a bit of serious element. The things that went a little wrong was the lighting. As Ellie wears glasses, every time we faced a certain direction, the light reflected from her glasses. This is a major lesson for me, as i only noticed after we filmed. The audio seemed a little loud, but couldnt do much about it, so hopefully i can just lower the volume in post production.  Also, Organising a time to take home a camera was quite a struggle, as i had to get the equipment, and also return it on days i wasnt in the city. So this is something i will learn from, as i never knew equipment can only be lent for one day. And therefore will not waste as much time!!