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In this weeks reading, focusing on the perspective of different sounds and soundscapes, Theo Van Leeuwen explains that sound has three ‘zones’ of composition. These three units include Figure (focus), ground (middle-ground) and field (background). Through these three...


Week 4’s lecture on sound was based around the idea of media affordances, focusing on the element of sound. Sound is ‘created by physical vibrations that set molecules in motion, creating sound waves that travel through the air’. Sound is a pivotal component of the...

I am me- Am i?

      Project brief two. A tough challenge, however a great reflective exercise to search and expose on our self-identity. I was really put to the test, with a slow computer and new knowledge on the program. However, as the learning process...

The Remaking of Media

In week 4 we were assigned to focus on the reading of a blog post and a video by David Gauntlett, a UK author, where he introduces and explains his new book ‘Making Media Studies’, where he describes the current trends in today’s society regarding media. Gauntlett’s...

Premiere Thoughts

Being in the position of using a whole new program seems scary at first. However, as i was using premiere pro for the first time, i was really challenged to learn the skills and techniques in such a short period of space. As my computer played up, and prevented me...