Individual Interview Assignment

Here’s my interview with Michelle Shepherd of the Jane Goodall Institute.

Michelle was a relevant candidate to talk to as we conducted the interview in the same week that Jane Goodall became a ‘Google Doodle’ for Earth Day 2018. This interview would be relevant for a Triple R audience as the Jane Goodall documentary, ‘Jane’ was just showing at the Australian Centre For the Moving Image (ACMI) in Melbourne and Melbourne is also a very liberal place where many people would be animal activists.

The interview gives a good insight into what the Institute does whilst also getting a personal insight into how Michelle got involved with animal rights activism. It gives the audience information on how to get involved if they like what they here.

It could be edited a bit more heavily to get down to the nitty gritty ‘um’s’ and ‘ah’s’ as well as potentially more of an outro but overall I think it is an informative and entertaining interview.

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