Week 6! Halfway through the semester already, and it was mine and Grace’s turn to write up the summary.

On Monday’s class we defined the role of the curator. Some of the class struggled to define what this was and I can see why. In the age of the Internet it’s easy for people to label themselves as ‘curators’ and in class we discussed the difference between your ‘everyday’ curator versus the experts. Just like critics we discussed that it’s the individual with years of knowledge, potentially a degree or some standing in the field who can be defined as a curator. We read out a couple of readings to solidify our understanding and then spoke about what the second half of our semester looked like.

Wednesday’s class was more practical (which I’m really enjoying btw). We all had to pick a prompt out of a hat and decide on a TV show. I chose ‘Girls’ and my prompt was ‘temperature’. We then had to word vomit any word associations or angles that could give us ideas to write critical pieces about. I wrote two angles: one could be the actual characters moods i.e. Jess and Hannah’s friendship/ Hannah and Adam’s relationship as well as the literal temperature i.e. The seasons use literal seasons as story lines and prompts for the characters.

We also did a grammar lesson on active and passive sentences which was really useful! I’m enjoying the grammar/ writing activities as it’s very beneficial to my writing skills.



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