This week’s workshop got off to a nice start as we listened to an NPR podcast titled, “My Lobotomy”. I found it really interesting, I love hearing about history and times have changed as well as getting a little emotional every now and then. Whilst listening I took down some notes about different effects I was hearing.

There was music to signify a change in scene, archival audio from the doctor himself, and location audio such as when Howard was retrieving files on his lobotomy and walking on gravel when he was meeting up with a fellow patient. Overall it was an example of a successful podcast that was intriguing and gave me inspiration for the assignment.

For the second part of the assignment we got into our groups. I’m with Jaie and Mikayla and we’re doing our audio project on fandoms and attention and looking at the Star Wars franchise as an example. I had a meeting with Jaie on Wednesday after the lecture and so Thursday’s workshop was the first time we’d all been together as a group.

I believe we are on the right track for our assignment and came up with the question:

“How have fandoms evolved from passive to active audiences?” 

Structure for our assignment: 

The history of fandoms – 60’s, 70’s, 80’s to now

Examples – What is a fandom?

Star Wars example – 70’s

Active and Passive definition

Interview with Lindsey


That’s our ‘essay’ structure and for audio content we can use: Archival audio of screaming fans (think 60’s Beatles era), music (Star Wars theme), Jaie talking as narrator and more.

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