For half of week nine I was actually in London and flew back into Australia at the end of the week! Before I left London I really wanted to get in an interview for my online magazine (genzine.com) and through Instagram connected with Jasmine Dunne, a London based photographer.

We met in Shoreditch and walked around getting to know each other a bit better before stepping into a coffee shop to record the interview. We walked into a few before I found the right one as it needed to not have too much noise going on but also space so the interviewee feels comfortable as well.

We settled on a corner table, ordered drinks and began the interview. I recorded it on my iPhone as I have with interviews in the past. I had to do a test run but still felt a bit anxious about being able to hear Jasmine. I awkwardly had to hold the phone halfway between us and it seemed a bit unprofessional to me and was also a bit distracting for everyone involved.

The interview ended up coming out alright in the end but once I got back to Uni I realised that there were other recording devices (Zoom mic we used for PB4) I could use for making media rather than just holding my iPhone in the air. I haven’t had a chance to transcribe the interview yet but over the holidays I will focus on the site more. Below are some film photos I took of Jasmine to accompany the interview.


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