“Why Do the Youth Share so Publicly?” by Danah Boyd was the title of this week’s reading.

Whilst it was interesting i found it quite obvious… as I believe the intended audience are people over thirty. The people Danah was interviewing were the same age as myself and I could definitely relate to the subjects who were saying that their parents can be overbearing in relation to online privacy. I’m an adult now and living out of home but I remember the feeling of my parents being curious as to what I was up to online and constantly asking who I’m talking to. I also remember begging my parents to let me have social media accounts from the time I was twelve.

I was allowed to get a Myspace and Facebook at the age of fourteen and in hindsight I can definitely understand why my parents made me wait. Twelve is far too young to understand the implications and dangers of the online world.

A quote from the reading that resonated with me as a ‘digital native’ was that

“Instead of signalling the end of privacy as we know it, teens engagement with social media highlights the complex interplay between privacy and publicity in the networked world we all live in now.”

We are able to understand the implications of social media now and use it correctly for example, not uploading images you wouldn’t want your employer/ future employer to see and also managing your privacy settings so only friends/ people you’ve added to your profile can view your posts.

The lecture this week was half presented by Paul Richard a former student and successful media maker. His lecture was about pre-production and contained important information about what could potentially go wrong on a shoot. Not to make us nervous or fearful but to emphasise the importance of being prepared for example, getting to your location three times earlier than scheduled, give people too much information, have notes for interviews and story boards for shoots and forms to give to actors, interview subjects and the manager in who’s location you are shooting in.

A philosophy of the lecture was the term ‘Serendipity’ that is: The effect by which one accidentally discovers something fortunate especially while looking for something else entirely.

I aim to look for serendipity in Project Brief 3, the rest of my media course and constantly throughout life.

To finish, here’s a link to an article by The Huffington Post on privacy and social media, relating to the reading for week 6.


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