Until you study something and become aware, a technique such as editing is just a seamless part of consuming media.
Before this subject and week three’s lecture I passively consumed film and television but afterwards I have been paying more attention to what techniques are being utilised.
What is the producer/ director trying to say or convey with this editing technique?

Linking two of my subjects together, in Popular Culture in Everyday Life we are looking at Reality Television and the editing techniques I’ve noticed are: Alternating shots between actors, long shots to display who is around, using a still shot of a location to show a progression of time, music to show mood and create suspense e.g. Dark ominous music when a person is getting evicted from the show.

Particularly in reality television; they are heavily edited to convey a particular ideology or for the producers to angle the drama in the way they want that will keep audiences engaged and coming back week after week.

By being aware of editing techniques you are less of a passive viewer and more of an engaged, critical and analytical viewer, questioning the content.

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