Flashy brainstorming
Today’s class involved each group brainstorming possible ideas to pursue in their flash mob events. It was great to see lots of suggestions already popping up. We used Post-Its because they can move around, they represent a unit or a part of something that could be whole (even if we don’t know what it is yet), and they stick to stuff like tables and walls, allowing us to step back and look at the possible connections between individual ideas. Also they look pretty flashy, which is apt because we are producing flash mobs. Eyyyy.
A very merry unlecture to you
The idea of the ‘unlecture‘ is a fascinating and disruptive one. Disruptive not only to the traditional structure of a university course, but also to our thinking around how information should be delivered by academics to students. As a practice, I’m onboard with it. Learning does not mean absorbing information in a top-down, one-to-many model. To learn is to share and to challenge. When we challenge, we disrupt.
I look forward to participating in the next unlecture. Hats off to any students who choose to participate too.
Image source: http://blog.vegasnative.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/vlcsnap-2010-12-02-06h58m12s20.png