Data visualisation is an incredibly useful tool to help us make sense of data.
My day yesterday visualised as a pie chart looks like this:
Yesterday was a bit of an anomaly because I don’t generally spend almost 3 hours in a hospital unless I can’t avoid it, but interestingly there was two big slices of pie, sleeping and working that sandwiched the other smaller activities. If I did this pie chart on a different day, like today, those big slices would become uni and sleeping. If I did a pie chart for every day of the week, I think that the charts would alternate between these two big sets of activities, as those tend to be the dominating parts of my day.
This is a visualisation of my last two academic essays and reflections for this studio. I think it’s pretty clear that the last two essays were cinema essays, as cinema related terms dominate in the world cloud. However, when I only use the media reflections it starts to look very different, with photographic terms taking over: