Just go with the flow, dude

Keith Sawyer in Group Genius: The Creative Power of Collaboration (2007) discusses  Mihaly Csikszenmihalyi’s coinage of the world “flow” to describe a “particular state of heightened consciousness.” This can be achieved by a task suits a person’s skill, there is a clear goal, there is constant and immediate feedback, and they are free to concentrate fully on a task.

This led me to think about times when I’ve experienced this “flow,” like when I’m painting or drawing. When I’m drawing something difficult, my skill does not match the task, and so I can become frustrated won’t achieve this state. However, at times when I’m able to concentrate and I’m drawing something that makes me feel comfortable, I can be so absorbed in what I’m doing that I lose track of time. The constant and immediate feedback is the progress that I’m making on what I’m doing.

“Flow” can also be achieved as part of a group. Sawyer sets ten conditions that are necessary for group flow to occur:

  1. The group’s goal is clear
  2. Close listening > deep listening
  3. Complete concentration
  4. Being in control
  5. Blended egos > meeting in the middle
  6. Equal participation
  7. familiarity > problem solving
  8. communication
  9. Moving it forward
  10. Potential for failure > not all ideas will work.

It’ll be helpful to apply these ideas to the upcoming Project Brief 4.

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