Galloway’s reading was interesting, however, I feel like a lot of the technical stuff was going over my head and I really only got concepts from half of it. The ideas of the hierarchies that exist and communications betweens the nodes. The concept that “two nodes must speak the same language” to communicate is cool, it’s similar to humans communicating – I suppose this was all designed by humans!
This all then linked up to protocols and shared protocols which “define the landscape of the network”. I found the connection to Foucault’s work interesting too and that his relationships to other life forms are structured in a similar way to protocols.
Drawing onto Vapour theory was interesting since I’ve never heard of it before. It’s basically just forgetting the computer!
Protocols turning to be more ‘democratic’ definitely personifies protocols but this also makes the reading more relatable because you can draw the connections between what Galloway is saying about protocols and human relationships.