Sam talked about gatekeepers and linked it back to Thom Yorke which was really fascinating.
Nethaniel found a great image describing the 80/20 rule and the long tail.
Kiralee talked about the week 10 reading in much detail.
As the average high school students, we had way too much time on our hands for procrastination so we used to sit in class and choose two pages eg. Hawaii and The Plague or ‘Black Death’ (off the top of my head) and then try and find all the links between them and time how long it would take us on Wikipedia to get from one page to the other using only the links on the pages.
This was my little example of how wikipedia is full of all these connectors.
I thought to give it more legitimacy I would try the game myself with the random example I came up with and these are the steps I took to get there:
Hawaii – The United States – Small Pox – Infection – Black Death